Saturday, May 07, 2005

Tools for Readers 2, updated

There's much to revisit in the previous column. I've been carefully navigating away from the world of Windows for the last year, and I haven't kept up with much of the material mentioned here except Golden Section Notes and AskSam, now up to version 6.0. As is so often the case, the counterparts in the Mac alternate universe are vastly superior in many ways: Golden Section Notes pales next to Sticky Brain, and AskSam seems much less wonderful next to FileMaker Pro, a piece of magic (also available for Windows) that seems to have sprung like Athena from the head of Zeus. I'm learning both FileMaker and Sticky Brain now, as well as a program that blends the two, sort of, called DevonThink. The challenge is to write something clever enough to make all that programming firepower worth the while.

More on the Mac side later. In the interim, if there's anyone listening out there, let me recommend a great "life-hacking" site called 43 Folders, which regularly praises one of my favorite pieces of technology: the Moleskine notebook.

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